Thankyou to our 2024 Club Sponsors. Without your assistance and support, our Minikhana
events would not be as successful. From all the Members & Committee at Penrith Minibike Club we thankyou!
Spot On Excavations Pty Ltd

FB: Spot On Excavations
PH: 02 4579 7031
Civil Works | Earthmoving | Land Levelling | Cut & Fill | Trenching | Turfing (Buffalo or Kai) | Dirt Removal
Turspec Pty Ltd

W: https://turspec.com.au/
FB: Turspec Pty Ltd
PH: 0417 441 147
Sports Turf Construction & Drainage Specialists
North Richmond Vet Hospital

W: https://northrichmondvh.com.au/
FB: North Richmond Vet Hospital
PH: 02 4571 2042
Our team here at NRVH have extensive experience both in the general care of our patients as well as in
specific areas of our services. We treat dogs and cats, and we also have a special interest in rabbits, guinea pigs, exotic pets and reptiles.
Amber Electrical Services

W: https://www.amberelectrical.com.au/
FB: Amber Electrical Services
PH: 1800 888 171
New Construction | Renovations | Service Work | Commercial & Shop fitting | Home Automation, Security & CCTV | Level 2 Undergrounds and Connections.
Moore Automotive & LPG

W: https://mooreautoandlpg.com.au/
FB: Moore Automotive & LPG
PH: 02 4571 4555
All mechanical and LPG repairs and servicing and online registration checks.
If you are interested in helping our Club by sponsorship, please contact us for more information.