Penrith Minibike club welcomes new and existing junior riders, our events include Minikhana and motocross styles and cater for children aged between 4 years to 16 years. We conduct 8 point scores days through the year and attend inter-club events, as well as hold training and coaching days and fun family events.
Minikhana is the motorcycle sport designed to give kids a chance to learn motorcycle skills in a controlled environment. The sport focuses on kids learning bike control by racing around cones, a small motocross track, trail tracks and Enduro tracks all as the one discipline.
Riders age and bikes
A rider’s age on 1st January will determine their age for competition purposes for that year.
Age | Class |
4 to 9 years old | 50cc Demo – Non competitive (Nippers) |
7 to under 11 | 50cc Auto (Fast 50’s) |
7 to under 16 | Mini Wheels 4 strokes up to 110cc |
7 to under 16 | 65cc – 2 Stroke |
9 to under 16 | 85cc 2 stroke to 150cc 4 Stroke Small wheels (Front 17”, rear 14”) |
12 to under 16 | 85cc 2 stroke to 150cc 4 Stroke Big wheels (Front 19″, rear 16″) |
Seniors 16 to 21 | 85cc 2 stroke to 150cc 4 Stroke Small and big wheels |
How to get started ?
Your child requires a licence from Motorcycling Australia to ride at the club, there are 2 diffent process for children under 7 and over 7
If your child is under 7 years old as of the 1st of January
- Get a Licence from MA
- Join the club
- Arrange your first ride day with help for the members
If your child is over 7 as of the 1st of January
- Join the club
- Complete a Kick Start training day
- Apply for your licenses
- Come along for your first ride day with us
Rider Licencing
Riders wishing to participate at the club will need to complete the kick start course and then apply for a Motorcycling NSW Mini Licence. More information about obtaining a license and Supplementary Regulations for these events is available from Motorcycling NSW
Riding Fees and Membership
- Annual Family membership fee is $100
- Rider fee is $30 per child per ride day
- Nippers rider fee is $18.50 per child per ride day
Forms to be filled in. Each member of the immediate family of the rider that will be coming to the track will need to fill in a membership form, every adult will also need to complete a working with children form. These forms are available from the club or can be downloaded from our website.
What happens on a Ride days
When you arrive at the track, sign on at the office and pay your riding fees, get your hand stamped and then line up with your bike and all your riding gear to get scrutineered. Do not start or ride your bike in the car park or in any pedestrian areas.
Sign on – Riders must be signed in before 9:00am as scrutineering will cease at 9:15am precisely. Riders attending after this time will not be able to ride for that day.
- 8:00am gates open
- 8:30am to 9:00am Sign on
- 8:30am to 9:15am Scrutineering
- 9:45am Riders briefing held near the office **Please put your lunch orders in before 10am**
- 10:00am to 12:30pm Riding
- 12:30pm to 1:00pm Lunch
- 1:00pm to 3:30pm Riding
- 4:00pm Finish riding and help pack all the event areas and putting everything in the shipping container.
- Is open from 8:30 at all ride days and has an affordable range of breakfast, lunch, snack and drinks. Lunch orders are to be submitted by 10am ** anyone who can assist with running the canteen would be more than welcome **
Bikes and Equipment will be scrutineered at every ride day with the following being checked:
- The bike needs to be an approved make and model as listed in the Manual of Motorcycle Sport (MOM’s)
- Bikes should be washed and be clean
- Handlebar ends are plugged and that handlebar widths do not exceed the limits stated in the MOM’s
- Brake and Clutch Levers have ball ends on them
- Throttle must return freely
- Kick starter folds away
- No loose or broken spokes on the wheels
- Front and back brakes must work and levers return
- Tyres are in good condition, Type value covers are fitted and locking nuts of inner tubes are fitted.
- Chain properly adjusted
- No play in wheel, swing arm or steering head bearings
- All stands are to be removed (except for PW50s)
- Foot pegs retract and have split pins installed
- Riding numbers displayed on the front and both sides of the bike
- No rider is to practice, start or compete in Minikhana unless wearing the correct safety gear:
- Helmet to be clean, undamaged and be an approved helmet as listed in the Manual of Motorcycle Sport (MOM’s)
- Goggles, Armour including elbow and knee, Gloves, Boots, Long sleeves jersey and long pants,
- Hair longer then shoulder length must be confined in the helmet or jacket
- Any body jewellery is to be removed or securely taped and
- A stamped hand to show that you have paid and signed on
Parent Help – Parents are required to assist with running our days and no riders are to be left unattended at the track without a parent or guardian (over 18 years of age). A minimum of one parent must marshal until completion of the days events. All parents/guardians/family that assist are required to fill out a Child Protection check (Working With Children).
Marshalling – All riders require one parents to marshal, while marshalling you are required to wear a Hi-Vis vest, fully enclosed footwear and abide by all the rules. If unsure of what to do please ask for help. When marshalling on a corner of the motocross track you are responsible for your marshal point to the next marshal point in the direction of the riders.
Rider behaviour
- No abusive behaviour / or unsportsmanlike actions
- No speeding on the transit lanes or pits (walking pace only)
- Riders must obey all signs including STOP signs
- No skylarking will be tolerated
- No starting or riding of bikes in the carpark or pedestrian areas
General behaviour (all)
- No smoking in all event areas, pits, canteen and lunch area (All smoking to done in Carpark)
- No alcohol or illicit drug (Alcohol or Drug Testing may take place at any time during the meeting)
- No swearing
- No marshals or children in the pit and event areas under 16 years of age
- No parents to ride unless dressed in approved safety gear and under coaching
- Enclosed footwear must be worn at all times when in the minibike grounds
- No pushbikes allowed in the pits, event areas or the carpark
- Spectators/parents are to stay behind the fenced areas unless marshalling.
Code of Conduct
Motorcycling Australia (MA) requires every individual and organisation bound by this policy to:
- Be ethical, fair and honest in all their dealings with other people
- Treat all persons with respect and courtesy and have proper regard for their dignity, rights and obligations,
- Always place the safety and welfare of children above other considerations,
- Comply with MA’s Constitution, rules and policies including this policy,
- Operate within the rules and spirit of the sport,
- Comply with all relevant Australian laws (Federal and State), particularly anti-discrimination and child protection laws,
- Be responsible & accountable for their conduct, and
- Abide by the Code of Conduct as outlined in Attachment A of the Manual of Motorcycle Sport (MOM’s)